A Different Direction to the Same Goal

This particular part of my life has taken a different direction. I am no longer affiliated with the A1 Writing Academy at writing.com.  I have been asked to explain the circumstances surrounding my departure from the Academy, yet have kept silent on the entire matter.

At this point, some six months after-the-fact, I do have the right to present my point of view on the matter, yet I am reluctant to do so. Some have told me that my silence has presented no defense. Some others, zealotous personal supporters, have urged me to “Let ‘er rip!” and tear into the entire Academy.

I will say (at this point) only this:

Based upon completely false information, which was purposely generated into the Academy to discredit myself and my work, and my word, the founder of the Academy felt the need to “protect the Academy” from the one person who, for well over one year, displayed nothing but dedication and loyalty to the Academy, the staff, the faculty, the students, the members, and the community we served. The manner and method in which this was done by the CEO (and others) was, for lack of a sufficient word, despicably malicious, and entirely actionable in a Court of Law.

I have tried to maintain the “high road” in this affair. Yet, the original purpose of my participation in the Academy remains. The irreparable damage done to the Academy, perpetrated by those who professed to care for it, is the only testimony which should be considered, in my view. I hold those people personally, and professionally accountable for that testimony. I will have no further part to do with them. What they have sown, so shall they reap. May God have mercy upon them.

Having said that…

One of the current boasts of the Academy is that theirs is the only such activity available to potential students. I know that this is not only a fallacious statement, but a deceptive one. One must remember that, for well over one year, my responsibilities included not only the re-design of the Academy, but the preparation of future planning as well. I am completely aware (having designed and created it) of another Academy which is NOT on the WDC site, has it’s own internet address, and is designed to be a “for pay” site. You see, the CEO was fully prepared, determined, and even instituting a personal, purposeful plan to walk away from this same Academy which she “loved more than life itself “.

To be honest, such an idea had been in my own mind for well over five years. Part of my purpose in having any part in the A1 Academy was instructional–to me. I learned a lot about what does, and does not work. But, among the skills I brought to the task were over 25 years of educational excellence , proven entrepreneurial skills, and business success. I believe thise are not only imperative, but rarified attributes when one is considering a “for profit” business venture. I have these skills. Others do not. So, why not prove it (yet one more time)?


There will be another opportunity for students of writing to learn. The quality will be higher, the product better, and the environment more conducive to educational excellence and personal success. Every course will be written again. 

Development teams of the most highly respected educators from around the world will come to work together on this project. Goals of performance will be established, followed, and achieved. Instructors will be secured, and then created from among the successful graduates, who will be paid a rate that not only recognizes their contribution to the task, but their commitment to its success. We will not strive for excellence; we will define it. Our community will be a declaration of proof to the world that learning IS fun!

So, from the Administrator of the A1 Academy to the creator of a definitional online learning environment…. Regardless of the birth pains, I’d call that a good trade. Watch me go!  It’s a very dangerous thing to inflame the passions of a Hillbilly! And, at the end of the day, the only thing that ever mattered in the first place still matters most: student success.

That’s really NOT so hard to understand, is it? I just can’t fathom how some would not, much less those who would choose to live any educational life besides that…yet some do make interesting choices.

More as it develops. So far, three divisions have been identified:

  • Music
  •  Writing
  • Religious Studies

Each will be completely self-supporting. I’m excited for many different reasons. But among the first is a response from some pretty terrific folks who want to help make this project a reality.

That’s a testimony I can live with. Interestingly enough, even the name (which must remain secret for at least a while) speaks to the very essence of the idea.

I’m stoked! I hope you are, too!



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