The Dream Continues

It’s been a while since I was able to discuss the dream. Now, I am renewed in vigor and purpose, and the dream continues. Soon, the word will go out to the world, a call for those who would help build the dream. Core course developers will be secured from across the globe to bring the dream to reality in the form of practical courses for those seeking to increase their knowledge and skills in five diverse areas of studies (yes, it’s blossomed a bit!). There are discussions about beginning one School, then another….

I once worked for a major printer manufacturer. We did not choose to create one printer, then another. Our view was much larger. We simultaneously released an entire family of printers (6 models) on the same day, world-wide. It was a much more difficult plan, thought by many inside the firm to be entirely too ambitious (which is what fired my passion!) for reasonable release. We did it, and that family of printers remains today as one of the most wildly successful releases ever known.

I know they are there. They are waiting, hoping that someone will allow them to create the educational model for the 21st Century. It is wonderful to get this phase going. It will be difficult, tiresome, and frustrating. I know that. But, in the end, we will have a better product, in each School, for those who will benefit most from them: the one product we can somewhat control, and find to be our very best advertising moving forward into the future: our student/graduates.

I look forward to that reality. Now is the time. The product has never been needed more, and our future students await our determination. Let us begin. Let us see what we shall see, shall we?


Indeed! We shall!

A Knot Unravelled, The Plan Becomes Clear

WWW's "historical" logo, created by ...
Image via Wikipedia


There has been three solid years of research that has gone into creating Last night, I was able to write out the organizational chart (Macro). There had been something missing, and not only did I not know what it was, but I also didn’t know where to put (whatever it was)i into the org chart. Last night, I did.

I didn’t even know I was writing it! After I had “vomited” out the chart (how it usually goes, I just got my brain out-of-the-way!) I went back and read it. It was perfect! Let me explain.

For this project to work, it has to work as a growing business online. It is exclusively internet driven, you see. I have learned through my research how online businesses-good and bad-work. It has been a struggle. There is just so much garbage trying to pass itself off as legitimate business that the struggle has become overload. I gave it a rest after some three solid years of research, you understand.

In the process, and especially of late, I have been “de-cloaking“, and have made some serious friendships with other internet marketers. As silly as it may seem, the truth arrived-as it usually does-in a simple revelation. The business, to succeed, has to understand the market it will find., Grand Organ Productions LLC, TOSCA and all to follow MUST be driven by the internet. Therefore, it must  succeed and survive in the internet world. That world has poor quality in it. My search was extended because it took me so long to link up with legitimate, moral businesses that are not only surviving, but thriving online. Some of them are even related to my businesses. Some “guru” types are not, but most serious internet marketers are completely legitimate, serious business people, making serious money online. Without knowing it, perhaps, they are marketing educational products! “How to….” is a huge bucket of internet marketing liquidity. It may be about how to make money online (and believe me, it is!), but it is successful. I needed to hook into that success somehow. Lately, I have. And, I cannot tell you how absolutely stoked about it I am!

I am an internet marketer. I make no apologies for that. The internet is the future home of my dream come to life. I now understand much more of how success happens on the internet. Now I am ready to begin bringing my businesses to the world-wide web in an honest, legitimate way. I just couldn’t be more excited! now has a reason to exist beyond the support function for the other enterprise groups, and it is pure internet marketing! The same products, services, and programs you can so easily find online will now be sold through Our internet marketing team will function as pure internet marketers, presenting affiliate programs, as well as “pure” (home-grown) products worthy of the task. This is above and beyond the courses, events, and everything else we can offer through

I hope you will buckle your belt, hold the bar, and journey with us as we bring and all it represents, to the world-wide web. It’s gonna be one hell of a ride, bucko!

Or, should I say,


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The Layout-Part I

The current plan is to immediately create a minimum of four (4) companies. Each company will have a particular focus and purpose, all of which are  controlled by one umbrella operation. That umbrella company will be to support the other companies, research and carry out other business opportunities that may, or may not directly relate to the other companies. Think of the Solar System for a moment. The planets are surrounding the Sun. Some are closer than others, but all the planets do depend on the Sun for their existence.

The corporate functions are by the parent organization, known as If you do a search on the internet, you will see a plethora of activities around this name. There are many websites, many of which are dormant at this time to protect and keep the name. It’s proprietary, you see.

On paper, it makes really good sense. Combining the “back office” functions of each company does give centralized support and service, but not control per se. I suppose that’s not true, because each company is a child of the parent; the parent is always the parent. It is as true in business as it is in personal life.

Such things as Public Relations, Marketing and Sales, Finance, Accounting, Personnel, etc. are functions of any good company. The corporate culture of is unique to us. Boiler-plating success is not a bad thing, but we also highly want people who are forward-thinking, visionary, entrepreneurial, and possessed with the success of That must translate effectively to each subsidiary company, within their own unique dynamics.

Collecting those persons is  tough. My standards are really high. I’ve done enough of this to know what my best skills are. One of them has been rightly described as “putting square pegs into square holes”. I’d like to believe that will be as true for this effort as it has been historically. Many will want a part of this enterprise, but few find it. From the top to the bottom, the selections come from a template of the highest possible quality, success, and dedication to the corporate vision of

Information Technologies are (or will be) created from scratch because of the needs of the corporation. One reason for this is that the entire operation will be internet-driven. Each company will give its goods and services entirely from the websites. The companies are so varied that finding commonality or shared functionality between them will be difficult at best. There may have to be some “bending” of ideals to make it all fit. Customization is a premium option that we will use as often as is reasonably and financially possible.

I once worked for LexMark–the printer company. Every printer manufacturer in the world had released a new version of their printer. LexMark, however, set out to release an entire family of printers simultaneously, world-wide. I and my team worked very hard to make that dream a reality. We did it, too. That is how I see this enterprise. Yes, everyone has an internet business. But, an entire enterprise, completely operated on-line? Never, and certainly not with the innovations that are, or will be developed for the operations that will use them.

I’ve spent the past four years in pure scientific research, marketing, sales, advertising, education, software, and website building investigation to find what I believe will work for this enterprise. As people come on board, I will need their advice. Something might work well, but will it work best? If not, what will? Can we make it better? Of course, the best question will be “Can we make it proprietary?

I like this one, too.

In my next post, I will focus on, the parent organization. It will be mostly dry, technical, corporate kinds of stuff. But, if you pay attention, you may see something quite surprising in it: yourself.

I’d like to believe so. I’ll look forward to your responses. If I can help, or answer any questions, just let me know.


The Dream Begins to Become Reality

Title page to Locke's Some Thoughts Concerning...
Image via Wikipedia

After more than two years of research, preparation, planning, and frustration, today the dream takes the first steps toward reality. I’m stoked. I hope you will be, too.

I have begun creating the home website for The Online School for Creative Arts (TOSCA). It is very basic, but there are 27 connected websites that make this page possible. Now, I have committed to myself to make this dream a reality. There are tons of challenges to be met.

Right now, I have the problem of finding the very best educational talent to join, create, develop, test, and present the more than 150 courses the schools are planned to present. How do you sell someone on a dream? If they clearly understand the goal, and can see themselves IN it, the sell is easier. Wide open opportunity to create what you want, as you want, using the most current and dynamic educational software available on the market today. That can be intimidating for anyone, much less a professional educator.

But, beyond the teaching talent profile, these folks need to clearly understand  and accept the concept of TOSCA. The premier online learning opportunity for students of Creative Writing, Creative Music, and Creative Faith Studies will pull many different types of people who wish to give to the success of the schools. But, how do I find them? Dreamers, currently working educators with a passion to create study courses their way, that are relevant to those people looking for an alternative education to the “brick and mortar” alternatives they have, with a prohibitive cost to boot. Can these idealogues work within a 12 week limit, yet creatively present even something as dry and mundane as basic English Grammar? Will they dare to spread their wings, and create from a “clean screen” the course of a lifetime. Will the discounted / free prices work for testing the work of these dreamers?

One theory says that “if you build it, they will come.” I am, to a small degree, trusting that theory. Yet, it will be the very best of the best who will lead this dream to the reality it deserves. I see working professors who want a creative outlet, creative license, and enough income to prove the time such course development requires, especially within the confines of the software we are providing. But, there are more than 1,500 students who have participated in the “lab tests” that A-1 gave me. I know the educational product they got worked very well.

I am so excited to begin this project. It will revolutionize learning, and especially online learning. This is a much more difficult type of learning I think. Perhaps I’ll write a tutorial on that in my next post. In the meantime, if you are a classic dreamer with passion, dedication, creativity, and the dream of creating it right, please let me know. I’ve got more than 150 courses to get in the catalogue.

Good luck on your journey. I’m having a riot on mine.


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The Journey Begins!

I have spent the greatest part of the last year doing research–on just about everything that could even tangentially touch on the entire concept of creating an online business. Sales, marketing, email subscriptions, membership sites, forums, Web sites, eCommerce, … it’s a very long list.

But, from the mush comes (finally) the germ of a plan. This one’s going to take some time, but at least for now I have a clear idea of how to begin. Having the opportunity to include every available option on a super site is enticing, but just a whole lot more than one person can do. So, I will do what I can, and let the results dictate future actions.

We will begin slowly, and surely with what we know. To that end, I have created an “umbrella” corporation called

One of the new logo ideas for the "umbrella" company.

Logo 1

This is the first of two logo ideas for the new corporation’s online presence. There is another one that I like too:

The second logo idea for the "umbrella" Corporation

Logo 2

Both logos speak well of the corporation, but I’m just not sure which one should be the initial image. The first one is very personal to me, while the second one is a bit more of the “flash” and “splash” suggested for logos on an online business–something people will remember. Personally, I think that requirement would be met with either logo. There may be more to come. We’ll do a survey on the site to see what your feelings are on the subject.

The first corporation under this headquarters company is Grand Organ Productions LLC. This activity, a paid membership site, will be the main entry point for all members of the site. The focus of this site will be the publication of the titles the company creates or procures from its resident author/artists. It is a music-related site that will focus on the music publications, and the presentation of the Grand Organ International Pipe Organ Competition. This is a simultaneous, online, world-wide musician’s competition for all levels of performer and instrumentation. Keyboard players only will have the opportuntiy to prove their talent through local state/territory/province, regional, and national competitions. Ten finalists will be invited to compete in concert upon one of the Grand Organs featured in The Grand Organ Mysteries fiction series. The winner will be artist-in-residence with GOPLLC for one year, with cash prize and performance/concert series’ being provided by us. Music recordings, books, photos, and other SWAG will be sold through the GOPLLC bookstore. Members will have their own special incentives to belong, including such things as their own private forums, newsletters, discounts, special announcements of upcoming events, and special invitations to GOPLLC sponsored events.

Logo 1 for GOPLLC

This is the original logo concept for GOPLLC

This particular image has been used by GOPLLC as the identifying image since the corporation’s inception. It is one of two that we currently have to consider as our company logo. It is actually a photograph taken of the front pipe facade at the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, France–the location and instruments featured in the first novel in the Grand Organ Mysteries series, “The Notre Dame Concert (Opus I)”

This is the second image being considered for our logo.

Logo 2 for GOPLLC

This is the second logo to be considered for our official logo. It, too was created by Mr. Doug Odom of Nashville, Tennessee. It does represent many important parts of our existence, and combines important aspects of our third company.

The third company under our corporate umbrella is known as The Online Schools of Creative Arts (T.O.S.C.A.) 

Logo 1

T.O.S.C.A. Logo 1

This membership/fee site will provide the most exciting, dynamic, and highest quality educational opportunity on the internet today. For the adult online learner, T.O.S.C.A. will concentrate on three distinctive creative opportunities. Creative Writing, Music, and Faith Studies will all be completely separate–yet complete programs of study within their own dependent school identity. Over 90 courses have been initially identified as necessary to bring this activity to it’s first full iteration. The software has been developed, the test sites are being beaten to death right now, and we are so excited about this opportunity it is all we can do not to show it to everyone right now. We will be sending updates on progress via newsletters to all who wish to enroll as a subscriber to the newsletter. You can subscribe on the site. Right now, there is no fee for the newsletter. That will change at some point in the not-too-distant future.

Many important announcements will be forthcoming in the near future. I hope you will stay tuned. Consider the possibilities, and if you would like to participate in any of our company activities, please let me know via email or comment to this entry.

A goal without a plan is nothing more than a dream. Dreams that are supposed to be need a clear plan, with goals that are within the definition WE give them. For, goals must be:

  1. Conceiveable
  2. Believeable
  3. Achieveable
  4. Defineable
  5. Measureable
  6. Controllable

Every idea at must be clearly identified by each of these six requirements.

You cannot image (or, if you can, let me know!) the logistics and myriad other requirements to make these activities real. A team is working tirelessly as I write this to bring these and other dreams to life. These programs are OUR characters, and we believe they do deserve to come to life. Planners, judges, sponsors, partners, teachers, developers, testers, teams of specialists all will have to be created for these programs to work effectively.

We will be highlighting our beginning team in future newsletters. Perhaps we could be highlighting your contributions in the near future.

It’s a large project. In fact, this is a project larger than I am. As I told you in an earlier post, that is the kind of dream I can latch onto and run with. I’m used to success. This will be a test of the greatest order. But, I do love a good challenge; especially when it seems that it doesn’t stand a chance of being done. Oh, what fun!



Changes Galore!

Unfortunately, the changes referenced refer to this Blog only!

Today, I received a notification from WordPress that the Spam-Blocker feature incorporated into this Blog has captured some 219 spam messages within the past 24 hours.  Fortunately, they were caught without passing through to the Comments Box where they seemed to be headed! I must do something to further protect the work, and the readers from this terrible blight upon “Citizen Journalists”–well, at least those who journey here from time to time.

Therefore, I have changed the interactivity of this Blog to registered members only. It is my understanding that you do not need a WordPress account to comment. But you will need to register for this Blog in order to leave comments if you are NOT a WordPress member.

I do apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. Perhaps, if you send a “love note” to the “spammer de jour“, this might no longer be necessary. Send me a letter/email if you have trouble getting in, and I will do what I can to help you. Having to re-establish an entire community is just a bit of a chore, but I do believe it to be well worth the effort.

On to other matters:

There has been, for some four years now, a dream formulating itself in my mind. For the greater part, it has (this dream, that is) taken on a substance which would best be likened to a bowl of very stringy Spaghetti.  Two nights ago, I was day-dreaming at the computer. I looked over to the wall behind my couch, and suddenly, the picture changed from a bowl of very stringy Spaghetti to a complete organizational structure.

It was in color. It was crystal clear. In that moment, I knew:

♦      It was a complete picture, in full color,

♦      it was not only the dream fulfilled, but a dream that will last beyond anyone who will work to bring it to life (a dream bigger than my capabilities alone),

♦      it was confirmation that my dream was accurate, and it was my permission to proceed with the project, and

♦      all the time spent in research, planning, and design has paid off in a big way!

I have had such moments as this before in my life. Lest you conclude I am but the victim of optical hallucinations, please let me disabuse you of that notion immediately. The years spent doing the legwork only pay off when properly done. (A strong life lesson for all you dreamers out there, by the way!)

Well, I obviously believe all this to the point that I have changed the title of this Blog, now haven’t I!!

There have been strong suggestions that I keep this project “under my hat”, lest someone who would do me ill attempt to hijack this dream. Others have said that the plan should remain unknown, for now. It would be a shame, they say, if someone else brought this project to market before I do.

These are reasonable concerns, and especially in light of recent events in my life. I have listened to the counsel given me, but have concluded that I will NOT keep this project secret.  Weighing the alternatives, I am choosing to make the journey to this project not only public, but one that invites your participation.

These are my reasons:

1. I have been accused of having ulterior motives for my work in the recent past.

My belief is that my actions clearly followed then (as they will in the future) those motives, purposes, and intentions which I had clearly stated prior to carrying them out. That will be the case as this project moves forward, as well. Too much depends on it.

My motives, plans, purposes, and methods will be published–here. They will be on view for anyone who cares to check their facts before attempting to destroy my work, my word, or my character. Future attempts will be met with imediate legal action. Once is too much. I will not brook a second attempt–by anyone. I have no problem being held accountable for my work; in fact, the success of this project depends almost entirely upon it.

Just don’t come calling without doing the necessary homework! I’ve done mine; you do yours.

2. This project depends upon open communication between ALL participants, not just “the chosen“.

I unwillingly became a part of what can only be called a conspiracy in my previous work. Friends tried, in vain, to advise me of this. I was not willing to believe it, even when the evidence was directly in front of my face. I knew, coming in, that cliques had been established, loyalties determined, and there were those who were “in“, and those who were not. I tried to overcome this with open communication, honesty, and constant invitations to participate for all parties involved (stakeholders). I was even willing to be the “scapegoat“, for the greater good. Among my many failings was my failure to fully recognize the “structure” in place, and my (or anyone else, for that matter) inability to inculcate a greater purpose than the small thinking permeating the entire activity.

That truth was the failure of the activity’s owner, not mine. This project will NOT suffer a repeat of that truth. The next project will use equality, professionalism, mutual respect, and common purpose to a shared vision, mission, and purpose which will lift us all to a greater reality. Or, it will not exist at all. I believe the very best things come only from the very best intentions. There are enough difficulties in life already. I do not intend (or intend to allow) borrowed trouble even before this project is birthed. If I do live up to this expectation of myself, others will follow my example. That too is a truth of life. One need only look at the product to see the intent of the creator.

3. This project is not “new“.

There are countless competitors available to contend with a successful project. It is not what the project is that makes it unique. It is how we will acomplish the project that will make it (I believe) not only the definition of excellence in the field, but will make it entirely successful as well. I already own the exclusive rights to that methodology, technology, etc. required to make the project a reality, so industrial espionage is not an issue any more with secrecy than with open operation. This reality is, in fact, a pretty fair portion of what I bring to the project. I was willing to share it with others. What I got for that kindness was a very nearly successful, malicious, and purposeful personal destruction of my livelihood! That won’t happen again.

I am older now. The idea of midnight assignations in dark parking-lot corners, with secret codewords no longer holds (yeah, right!) the romance for me that it might once have. The only reason rats infest, or roaches contest, is because of darkness. This project will have none. If you don’t like it, it will be only because you know what it is that you do not like. That’s fair. To bad-mouth someone else’s work simply because it is THEIR work is a skill held dear by others; not by me.

For these, and other reasons, this project will be open to public discussion, debate, ridicule, admonition, and participation,  Now that I have seen it in it’s completed state, I  now know how to make the first steps towards it being born. With these responses, I have done so. In the next entry, I will give a name to this project, and tell you just a little bit about what it will be. I hope you will choose to come along on what can only be described as a Grand Adventure!

Soli Deo Gloria!

A Different Direction to the Same Goal

This particular part of my life has taken a different direction. I am no longer affiliated with the A1 Writing Academy at  I have been asked to explain the circumstances surrounding my departure from the Academy, yet have kept silent on the entire matter.

At this point, some six months after-the-fact, I do have the right to present my point of view on the matter, yet I am reluctant to do so. Some have told me that my silence has presented no defense. Some others, zealotous personal supporters, have urged me to “Let ‘er rip!” and tear into the entire Academy.

I will say (at this point) only this:

Based upon completely false information, which was purposely generated into the Academy to discredit myself and my work, and my word, the founder of the Academy felt the need to “protect the Academy” from the one person who, for well over one year, displayed nothing but dedication and loyalty to the Academy, the staff, the faculty, the students, the members, and the community we served. The manner and method in which this was done by the CEO (and others) was, for lack of a sufficient word, despicably malicious, and entirely actionable in a Court of Law.

I have tried to maintain the “high road” in this affair. Yet, the original purpose of my participation in the Academy remains. The irreparable damage done to the Academy, perpetrated by those who professed to care for it, is the only testimony which should be considered, in my view. I hold those people personally, and professionally accountable for that testimony. I will have no further part to do with them. What they have sown, so shall they reap. May God have mercy upon them.

Having said that…

One of the current boasts of the Academy is that theirs is the only such activity available to potential students. I know that this is not only a fallacious statement, but a deceptive one. One must remember that, for well over one year, my responsibilities included not only the re-design of the Academy, but the preparation of future planning as well. I am completely aware (having designed and created it) of another Academy which is NOT on the WDC site, has it’s own internet address, and is designed to be a “for pay” site. You see, the CEO was fully prepared, determined, and even instituting a personal, purposeful plan to walk away from this same Academy which she “loved more than life itself “.

To be honest, such an idea had been in my own mind for well over five years. Part of my purpose in having any part in the A1 Academy was instructional–to me. I learned a lot about what does, and does not work. But, among the skills I brought to the task were over 25 years of educational excellence , proven entrepreneurial skills, and business success. I believe thise are not only imperative, but rarified attributes when one is considering a “for profit” business venture. I have these skills. Others do not. So, why not prove it (yet one more time)?


There will be another opportunity for students of writing to learn. The quality will be higher, the product better, and the environment more conducive to educational excellence and personal success. Every course will be written again. 

Development teams of the most highly respected educators from around the world will come to work together on this project. Goals of performance will be established, followed, and achieved. Instructors will be secured, and then created from among the successful graduates, who will be paid a rate that not only recognizes their contribution to the task, but their commitment to its success. We will not strive for excellence; we will define it. Our community will be a declaration of proof to the world that learning IS fun!

So, from the Administrator of the A1 Academy to the creator of a definitional online learning environment…. Regardless of the birth pains, I’d call that a good trade. Watch me go!  It’s a very dangerous thing to inflame the passions of a Hillbilly! And, at the end of the day, the only thing that ever mattered in the first place still matters most: student success.

That’s really NOT so hard to understand, is it? I just can’t fathom how some would not, much less those who would choose to live any educational life besides that…yet some do make interesting choices.

More as it develops. So far, three divisions have been identified:

  • Music
  •  Writing
  • Religious Studies

Each will be completely self-supporting. I’m excited for many different reasons. But among the first is a response from some pretty terrific folks who want to help make this project a reality.

That’s a testimony I can live with. Interestingly enough, even the name (which must remain secret for at least a while) speaks to the very essence of the idea.

I’m stoked! I hope you are, too!



Do We Remember?


September 11, 2007
Clarksville, Indiana USA
1915 Hrs

The sun is gliding silently, slowly toward its invisible resting place. This beautific pre-Autumnal day turns slowly toward the forsaking shadows of the eternal darkness of night here, at my little house.

The early evening news shows will palaver their drooling, and speculative advertising-dollared offerings for the evening’s fare. We will, for the sixth time now, cast our eyes eastward, and upward to the emptiness that still so surely fills that hole as completely as concrete ever did. We will watch, even as we scream out our repugnance, our digust. We will be overcome by our sense of indecency as our eyes refuse to divert from those scenes as the planes explode in their fireballs of instantaneous, vaporizing death. Our gaze will yet once again cause us to, as Lemmings, steel our gaze on the hundreds of thousands of tons of concrete, steel, and iron as the buildings yet once again, finally and forever capitulate to the forces joined mercilessly against them.

Throughout the evening, we will have moments of remembrance which will travel the entire spectrum, from heart-felt to the obscene. I cannot help but wonder if we do, in fact, remember. From the vulgar to the mundane, those called Americans will re-live, endure, withstand, deny, resist, or simply ignore the historical realities and eternal significances of this day.

For several thousands of families, six years is nowhere near long enough to begin to heal the wounds of that fateful morning. For thousands more, a new terror looms silently, yet malignantly before them. These newer victims of 9/11 discover that the illnesses their loved ones endure today are a direct result of their intensive and “no questions asked” volunteerism as they worked “in the hole” on that horrible day. Being an American, doing the right thing for the right reason, without preamble or expectation, has taught these heroes some astounding lessons. Sadly, they are gently advised, such tragic illnesses are not covered by medical insurance or financially reimbursable–by anyone. Do We Remember?

Piling insult upon injury, those many more thousands now helplessly, hopelessly heap their tears upon the turbulent fragrance of death, disease and disbelief which we, as a nation, experienced on that day not so long ago. But, I really wonder: Do We Remember? 

In the time of six years, have we instead turned off our minds and our hearts–and our willingness to reason–to this reality, as well?  Is the hole at WTC #1 large enough to contain the thousands of bodies destroyed by war?  Can it possibly contain the wounded who have not found sufficient favor to die, yet have no reasonable hope of assistance to recover? 

Can we look at the footage from that fateful day, and not encounter the grisly truth? How can we say that we remember, when we cannot even admit the gruesome and ungodly truths we have learned since that day?  We have seen our own arrogance with unveiled eyes, in a way very similar to the same perception many of our global brothers and sisters have seen us for decades–or centuries. It is a putrid diaorama which we find incomprehensible. Regardless of the truth displayed, we surround ourselves in our sanctimonious self-righteousness as we simply destroy that which we feel compelled to destroy.

We attempt to re-write history, even as our beloved sons and daughters feel their life seeping slowly into the darkened sands of an unknown place. As they, who are truly our heroes and heroines for this age, transform their last ounce of strength into one last act of courage, can we honestly report to their dying eyes that we do remember? 

Do we remember clearly?  Honestly?  Bravely? Wisely?

I believe that, having asked the question, I must answer it. I shall.

I remember that morning. I remember the day following that morning, as well. Having volunteered, I drove all night to reach the collection point by 0500 the following morning just west of the George Washington Bridge. I had a refrigerated trailer full of donated whole blood that would be delivered to St. Vincent’s Hospital that morning. I remember driving through the hole, under both police and military armed escort.

I remember sitting on a curbstone outside the Emergency Room of that hospital as a man came quietly out from inside the cavernous dimensions of that massive facility. He was wearing a lab coat that identified him as a rather important surgeon.

“You the guy that brought the blood, right? Thanks.”

“You are welcome, Dr.”

He sat down near me. Silently, I smoked a never-ending chain of my favorite brand. After some time, I noticed his hands shaking. I pointed the pack towards him. Withdrawing a smoke, his look was of gratitude.

I flipped him my lighter, which he caught rather impressively. “Thanks.”

“No problem, Dr,”

“Where are they?”

When he asked the question, we remembered. I remember my response.

“I don’t know. But if they come here, they will be very lucky, indeed. I know that.”

I watched as the simple truth of life played itself out before this dedicated Physician’s tortured mind. I do remember.

I remember his shaking hands, and a suddenly tear-stained face looking at me.

“They aren’t coming, are they?”

“Probably not. There really isn’t much left.”

I remember sharing those moments with a dedicated emergency specialist who, for years, had trained for just such a moment as this. Critical Care, and Triage is a very particularly difficult area of medical study–especially for the Emergency Physician. Mass Casualty exercises (“Mas-Cal”) are very rarely utilized, very expensive to employ, and completely subjective in their effectiveness as both training device and learning tool. Most of them are designed by military tacticians, because the civilian world just hasn’t seen horror, or terror, on such a massive scale.  I remember the day we did.

Looking at his hands, I completely understood both his frustration and his sadness. All he needed was someone to help. I wanted so badly to help him. All I could do was to offer him a cigarette. To his credit, he took it, lit it, and smoked it. His hands never stopped shaking.

“What will become of us?” This was, I thought at the time, a near-ludicrous question. I have sense come to challenge my thinking on that one.

“I think we will be okay, Doc. We are, after all, Americans.” With a weak smile, he rose to return to the empty Emergency Room. I stood. He reached for my hand. I reached for his shoulders. We hugged, hanging on as two complete strangers thrown together in a surreal necessity to matter. He cried that longing, deep-souled, earth-moving cry of the lost. I cried for him, and for myself, and for us all.

“What’s your name?” I needed to know, for some strange reason.

“Jim. I’m Jim. Jim Jenkins.” As we broke our embrace of fellow warriors, we looked into each others’ eyes.

Stretching out my hand, our grasp was a promise to remember.

“Bud. Bud Fields. Nice to meet you, Jim.”

“Thanks, Bud. Nice to meet you, too.”

No more words. He turned, and slowly mounted the two short steps to the impervious self-opening doors. With what I surprisingly thought expert efficiency, Dr. Jim “flicked” his cigarette neatly into a corner, where it would safely smolder itself into oblivion. I smiled. He smiled, and disappeared inside the echoing chamber of what should have been chaos central.

“Driver?  You’re done. We need to leave immediately. Other trucks, you know.”

“Yes, alright. Let’s go, then.”

Yes.  I remember.

I remember the sadness, and the shock.  I remember the grief, and the incredible necessity to be angry. On that day, I understood as never before how the people of Germany must surely have felt upon reading the fine print from the Treaty of Versailles. A nation enraged.

Being that angry, for that long, can have an amazing effect upon a people. One might opt for the opinion that we drew closer together as a people, as a community, as a nation. We did not.

One of any reasonable intellect might conclude that we, as Americans have seen ourselves clearly in the mirror of world reflection, and have become humble. We have not.

One with the rich heritage of our history, and our perceived place of honor on the world stage would surely deduce that we are a just people, on a just mission, for a just cause. We are Americans, who consider the needs of others long before our own needs; givers, not takers. We are they who come when called, regardless of their answer in our time of need. We are the keepers of the flame; the flame of liberty, AND justice. Surely, there can be no argument from any point that we are the one peoples of the world who respond rightly–even in a ghastly devestation such as this. We do not.

Our leaders have created a new America. They ask us to withstand our own reason, suspend our own disbelief, and entrust our legacy, or what remains of it, to their care. We dare not.

It is we, the unseen, the forgotten. It is we, the disenfranchised of America, who do truly remember. Our untriumphed selfless sacrifice sends boxes upon boxes of simple “comfort items” to troops whose names we do not know. We, of the shadowed America step out quietly in desperate silence, and walk to the Veteran’s Hospital, and volunteer our time. It is an organization so nearly extinct that, to see a blue banner with one, or two, or three, or four, or five gold stars hanging in quiet and solemn declaration from a living room window makes us feel as if we have become travellers to a forgotten time. Yes, we remember.

Our children now face the realization that their lives will include military service. Many of us remember that, as well. While the parents argue, and pontificate, and decry one stance, or the other position, our children huddle together and measure tomorrow. They remember.

The great humiliation of America is that we, as a nation, do not remember. Five years of war, in a place most will never see, among people we consider barely above savages, have no particular effect upon us. Even as we watch our very definition castigated, mutilated, and evaporated before our very eyes by an Administration who screams so loudly, and so often, that it completely believes its own lies. We, as a nation, do not remember who we are. We do not remember whose we are. We are condemned by our own actions, in a resiliant voice that cannot be repressed. And, suddenly, how it could be for one people, from 1918 until 1929 (eleven years) does not seem quite so outlandish, after all.

It’s funny, the things we remember.

Perhaps we, as a nation, have been effectively de-sensitized. We’ve lost our definition as a people. We’ve lost our identity to the world. We’ve sacrificed our first beliefs for expedience, and have discovered to our own dismay our complete willingness to lie about it at the drop of a hat–or a supoena. For, if we remember, then we can only hold ourselves accountable for what these past six years have brought to the world, in our name. Who wants to remember that? 

Quietly, and ever faithfully, it is the solemn determination of individuals that bring us, upon this day, our true remembrance. Could any cogent being honest believe that Chief Parker had even the first hope of saving his men, when the NYFD made its first response? Do we remember?

If you were among the 50,000 or so lost souls who suddenly found themselves walking out of lower Manhattan on that day six years ago, you remember. You remember the shop-keepers bringing slices of Pizza, and bottled water to your tortured soul. They didn’t ask for anything. They gave. They remembered. I also remember the guy at the coffee shop just across the way from “ground zero” who suddenly thought that selling a quart of water to a fireman on an 18-hour shift for $24 was the American thing to do. I remember the Greek shoestore merchant, yelling to those walking uptown “What’s your size?  You’ll never make it in those heels. I have tennis shoes. What’s your size?” 

There was no expectation of profit, or capital gain. There was no ulterior motive. Quietly, these heroes didn’t have to remember: they never forgot, you see. Thousands upon thousands of individual stories of miraculous grace, and grief, litter the theatre of my memories of those days.

In the six years since that moment, do we remember who precisely it was that attacked us?  Do we remember who, precisely, it was that they attacked?  I think not. We have created, drawn from our national imagination, or had given to us charicatures of who it is we are supposed to remember. But, in the quiet corners of America, we really do remember.

As much as some would have us flee from the remembering, still so do we remember. That the one entity most fearful of that truth would be our own government may not give some cause, but I can assure you it gives me cause–to remember. And, even as my brothers and sisters create volunteer homecomings for some of our 15,000 seriously wounded heroes, coming home to a place, and a time, and a people they fear will not remember, this day is a simple reminder to each of us.

If we will but remember.

I Came, I Saw, I Conquered!

You Scored an A

You got 10/10 questions correct.It’s pretty obvious that you don’t make basic grammatical errors.
If anything, you’re annoyed when people make simple mistakes on their blogs.
As far as people with bad grammar go, you know they’re only human.
And it’s humanity and its current condition that truly disturb you sometimes.

The It’s Its There Their They’re Quiz

For the Administrator of a writing Academy, I consider this to be a good thing! 🙂
